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nuclear division 【生物學】核分裂。

nuclear emulsion

There are two main types of nuclear division : mitosis , which results in daughter cells identical to their parents ; and meiosis ( reduction division ) , which produces daughter cells which have half the number of chromosomes of their parent cells , and in which the genetic material has been recombined 核分裂有兩種主要的類型:一種為有絲分裂,即子代細胞與親本相同,另一種為減數分裂,其產生的子細胞所含的染色體數為親本染色體數的一半,基因在分裂過程中發生了重組。

If chromosome segments break away during nuclear division they may rejoin the chromosome the wrong way round , giving an inversion 如果在細胞核分裂的時候染色體的某些片斷斷裂,繼而在同一染色體上的某個片斷作了方向錯誤的顛倒,這種現象叫做倒位。

Examples are cytoplasmic streaming , chromosome movement during nuclear division , and growth itself 例如胞質環流,核分裂時染色體的運動,染色體的生長等。

Karyokinesis during cell division , the process of nuclear division that precedes cytoplasmic division 有絲分裂:細胞分裂過程中,細胞核先于胞質分裂。

Cytokinesis the division of the cytoplasm after nuclear division ( mitosis or meiosis ) 胞質分裂:隨著核(有絲分裂和減數分裂)分裂之后的細胞質的分裂。